Thursday, 27 February 2014

First Lesson

Hello everyone,

I have been practicing and learning new russian letters the last few weeks and am now ready to share my learning with you.

There are 31 different letters and 2 pronunciation letters in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet.
They are as follows:

А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ё, Ж, З, И, Й, К, Л, М, Н, О, П, Р, С, Т, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я

In the previous list you may notice some letters that look the same and some completely new looking letters. So I have decided to divide them into 4 sub-categories (I will cover two this post):

-Letters that look and sound similar (ex. A, K,...)
-Letters that look the same, but have different sounds (B, E,...)
-Letters that look weird, but sound like english letters ( Г, Л,....)
-Letters that look weird and have new sounds ( Ж, Ч,...)

First, the letters that look and sound the same:

-A: gives an 'ah' sound like in father or talk.
-K: gives a 'k' sound like in car or cat.
-M: gives a 'm' sound like in man or moon.
-T: gives a 't' sound like in today or top.

Next, the letters that look the same, but sound different:

-B: gives a 'v' sound like in vitamin or vet (B=V)
-E: gives a 'ye' sound like in yelp or yeti.
-H: gives a 'n' sound like in no or next (H=N)
-O: gives a 'o' sound, like in bore, when stressed (оand a lax 'uh' sound when unstressed (o)
-P: gives a 'r' sound, but is rolled (P=R)
-C: gives a 's' sound like in snake or sit (C=S)
-У: gives an 'oo' sound like in boot or shoot.
-X: gives a 'h' sound, but often pronounced more like a 'ch' sound in Bach or loch.

If you want to cement your learning I would also suggest both practicing some of my excersises i will type for you below or visit either this site or this one for some practice (please notice some of these sites are more advanced than what I have taught so far).

Pronounce from russian to english (ex. PAT= RAT)

Convert english to russian (ex. RAT=PAT)

Try inventing your own phrases in either russian-->english or vice versa too

Thanks for checking in, I'll post the next 'half' of the lesson soon.

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